Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Skurilon's Handy and Dandy Yucky Pit Illusion Trap

Skurilon's Handy and Dandy Yucky Pit Illusion Trap
Two Variants as Noted in Notes
CR: 5
Mechanical, Location Trigger, No Reset (self resetting since there isn't a top to the pit).
DC 20 Reflex save avoids if a save is allowed. See notes.
40' deep, 10' wide by 10' long.
Damage: SPECIAL, no falling damage, see notes.
Search DC: SPECIAL, Nearly impossible to fail this check, "a" pit trap of the same dimensions is plainly visible to anyone who is paying attention and isn't immune to illusions.
Disable Device: SPECIAL, Variant One DC 20, Variant Two cannot be disabled short of a cave-in.
Market Price: Pit Trap 2000 gp, Gelatinous Cube ???? gp (maybe free depending on the dungeon), Grease spells made permanent (4x 500gp) 2000 gp, Permanent Image spells (2x 100 gp if you are the caster) 200 gp, TOTAL: 4200 gp + the cost of the Gelatinous Cube.

This is a standard CR 2 pit trap with several modifications. The 10'x10'x10' bottom fourth of the pit contains a Gelatinous Cube.

Damn Straight.

The 10' section of the walls above that are permanently enchanted with the Grease spell, making climbing out extremely difficult. From that point up the trap is normal except for the very top. The pit trap is disguised to look like the floor of the dungeon using Permanent Image (DC 20-22 for the will save, generally, depending on the caster). That illusion is in turn disguised to look like a normal CR 2 Pit Trap, using Permanent Image with a Will DC of 20-22 again.

Here is the breakdown of what happens when an adventurer encounters the trap.
Step 1: Unless blind or charging in they see the illusion of a standard CR 2 Pit Trap with no cover. 10'10'40' with no defining features or spikes. If they interact with it they get a DC 20ish Will save to disbelieve the illusion. If they fail, they think "Woah, pit trap." and the pit trap appears as I described. If they succeed they see the second illusion, the one that looks like the floor. MOST of the time the adventurer who saved thinks "Oh, sweet, no pit trap." and walks on through. Upon taking that first step onto illusionary floor they technically get a Will save DC 20ish to disbelieve the second illusion, but since they are falling into the pit at that point it's useless to attempt it.

If they fall in they are pretty much screwed unless the party is very quick on their feet or they have some method of neutralizing the acid damage.

Falling in means automatically getting engulfed by the gelatinous cube at the bottom of the pit, prompting them to make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 3d6 rounds as the Cube digests them, dealing 1d6 Acid damage per round. Being engulfed also means being grappled, limiting severely their options when attempting to escape from the Cube. Climbing the walls above the Cube is rendered nearly impossible without a rope thanks to the Grease spells. Here's a link to the Gelatinous Cube's stats. Remember that the Cube doesn't have to make any sound to engulf the victim in this manner and that unless they passed all of the saves the party members who didn't fall in can't see the Cube or their comrade. To them it just looks like the party member vanished into thin air. The party member can't call out for help either, seeing as they are engulfed.

If they think to check the ground for some reason before stepping onto it they get their DC 20ish Will save to disbelieve the illusion of the floor. If they fail, they fall in when attempting to walk on it. If they pass then they see the danger below and any of their group that fell in.

The only real difference in the second variant of this trap is that the trap itself is made in a dead-end of the tunnels and that there is an additional illusion on the wall opposite the way that the party approaches from, making it look like the tunnel keeps going. This is used when you know the party has strong jumpers in it, they attempt to jump the pit and WHAM, right into a greased wall, causing them to plummet straight into the pit. This variant adds 600 gp to the market price of the trap.

~ Skurilon

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